Tuesday, January 10, 2012


1.  Print and Web.  Sending an annual report to stockholders has its benefits in each area.  Through the web because accessing the information can happen anywhere.  The information can be sent through e-mail or posted on the companies website and made available in a convenient PDF file.  Print has its benefits because not every stockholder will be connected to the web.  Sending the information in print by mail would ensure that every stockholder would have access to the annual report.

2.  Print and Web.  Being a graphic artist and locating from a small town to a big city it would be beneficial to have a dedicated website set up to profile your product.  I would also print a small brochure highlighting your product and include your web address on the brochure.  That way your product would be seen physically and lead to further interest sending future customers to your website.

3.  Web.  The easiest and most effective way of notifying customers of updates to software would be through the web.  Most preferably through e-mail notifications or through the companies website.  Updates for the software would be accessible through the web, so chances are the existing customers already are web connected.

4.  Web.  If you have valuable information that changes weekly the quickest and most effective way to provide that information would be through the web.  If the information could be outdated by the time the materials were received if sent by print.

5.  Web.  The most effective way to publish a collection of small booklets would be through the web.  By publishing the booklets on the web there would be a larger group of people that would be able to view the booklets.  Also, the cost of publishing the booklets on print and distribute to a large group of people would be     very large.

6.  Print and Web.  The web will be able to expand your artistic talent to a broader audience, making it worldwide.  Print will be able to highlight the art more effectively by showing the true size of the art and other physical cues of the product.  The web is limited to what a persons monitor can show.  Print can show the true size of the art.

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