Monday, January 23, 2012

Week Three

After reading the articles and viewing websites, I have become more critical of the webpage's design.  From viewing the webpage from "above the fold", to the placement of the graphics and the page title.  Poor placement of components on a webpage ruin the flow and look.  A webpage can be beautifully designed but poorly arraigned and implemented.  For example, A webpage can have perfect graphics, text, and colors.  But, if those items are not laid out right on the webpage, the whole design is ruined.

Evaluated Websites

After evaluating the Reading Eagle website the site scores an overall good rating.  The navigation bar is clear and above the fold, letting the readers choose what section they would like to navigate too.  The colors are very appealing, and they coincide with the colors you would associate with the paper print version of the Reading Eagle.  The loading time is very quick, other than the occasional ad that pops up before the home page but that does not happen all the time.  The website offers the same material as the traditional newspaper but with added benefits.  Some pages allow you to comment and link in with your facebook page, added the convenience of social media.

The MINI website is very interactive, the whole site is based off of a flash design.  The navigation bar is well laid out and easy to use.  The navigation bar is also interactive, just as is the rest of the website.  At the bottom of the webpage thumbnails of the different MINI models are shown.  When you hover your mouse over those thumbnails the different options are shown on the screen, thus making them interactive.  The whole page is laid out well, and very easy to use.  The graphics, color choices and fonts are very appealing to the eye.

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